Skills Development .

Education Pathways

We are making use of the city’s UNESCO status to develop a wide-scale programme centred around skills development in media production, embedding it within the city’s ecosystem for education pathways and preparedness for 21st century employment. The project will run for 10 weeks, from after the summer term until the end of the school year. It will be a Media filmmaking workshop and the goal is for each school to make a 3-5 minute film that will be premiered at the Aesthetica Film Festival on Saturday 9 November at City Screen cinema. Students will develop a variety of essential filmmaking and transferable skills, which will enhance their wider education and be applicable across different contexts, industries and roles. These all-important skills represent a versatile set of capabilities that the young people can carry with them throughout their education and career development, including adaptability, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and time management. These skills will empower young people to approach new challenges, boosting their resilience in the ever-changing landscape of work.

Creative Business
Skills Academy

We will be working in partnership with the Combined Authority and York St John University to help creatives to develop their business and entrepreneurial skills in the sector. This Creative Business Skills Bootcamp will drive inward investment, develop a knowledge-based economy and, through the power of the UNESCO brand, we will enhance and uplift the sector. This will bolster the economy by creating a new set of companies, who will, in turn, employ the next generation and thereby retain talent in the region. As of December 2023, City of York Council identified that there were 199 private sector businesses in the Creative Industries within York. We will work with creatives with skills in industry and help them develop business ideas and launch new companies, in order to grow sector capacity and create the employers of the future. There are 12 fully funded places available. The course will run for 12 weeks over two evenings. Upon completion, all attendees will be able to access 12 months free rent in the co-working Enterprise Centre that is situated at York St John University. Details on how to apply – coming soon.